Whether you want to create some unique art for your home or keep the kids busy for a few hours this simple project will accomplish both. Here's an easy to follow step-by-step guide to create some leaf art for your home or make a beautiful card for family and friends.
So for this project you will need; leaves, crayons, paper-towels (as needed) and a few sheets of paper. I just used some letter size blank paper, but you could also have fun with this and use coloured paper, as long as it isn't too thick. Too thick and some of the details of the leaf will be lost.

I collected a few leaves from my garden but if you don't have any trees close by maybe take a nice nature walk with the kids or dog and collect some along a trail side or at the park. Make sure the ones you use are dried off and free of dirt and debris.
Also, before placing the leaf on the paper make sure the veins are facing up. This will make it easier get the best outline possible of the leaf structure.
Remove the paper from the crayon colours you want to use. This just make it a little easier to cover the leaf with colour. You could skip this step if you want a darker looking leaf.

Place your paper over the leaf and then run the crayon over the leaf.
I used brown for the leaf and then I highlighted the veins with red. It really gives the leaf depth. Have fun with it and try any variations of colours you like. You can keep it true to nature or you could use pinks and reds anything you can imagine.
Now why not frame your finished artwork and hang it in the kids room or add it to a gallery wall collection of artwork.
Comments (Responses)
This is really nice , for a background for a saying, reminds me when I was a kid, in school we collected leaves, put in between wax paper, and ironed them, made front & back covers to put are short stories in, gave to parents at end of year.
Tonya Robinson
Beau projet et cela me rappelle de mon enfance nous faisions cela avec des pièces de monnaie et c’était amusant ! J’ai hâte de le faire avec mes petits de Maternelle /Jardin 😉
I am going to incorporate this technique on an autumnal scrapbooking page. I think this will be fantastic! Many thanks for the brilliant idea.
Wer Ruft An (https://www.tele-ch.info/)
Beautiful. I remember that I used to do the same with a coin.
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11 July, 2023
muito legal sua ideia
adoro trabalhos pra fazer com crianças